About Me

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Hey everyone! I'm studying abroad in Italy this fall and will be recording all the awesomeness here in my blog! I'm studying at the Trinity College in Rome program located right in the heart of Rome-a few blocks from the Colosseum! I hope to travel all over Italy as well as venture into other parts of Europe. Stay tuned!

Friday, February 3, 2012


When you google "Why should I blog" the first result is- http://weblogs.about.com/od/startingablog/tp/Top-Ten-Reasons-to-Blog.htm, "Top Ten Reasons to Blog". Some of the ten reasons, namely, "To Make Money" and "To Establish Yourself as an Expert," have absolutely nothing to do with my desires to start a blog, but a lot of the others really speak to why I want to give a blog the ol' college try. Until only recently the idea to blog has never even crossed my mind. I'm not by nature a social person, so to think of me actually blogging seemed absurd. But, the more and more I thought about it the more and more it appealed to me. Perhaps it is because I am not very social that I may enjoy blogging. Through a blog I can find a way to share with people my thoughts and ideas, and tell my story in a way that is comfortable to me. Will anyone ever read this? I don't know. Do I particularly care? Not at all. If I end up writing this blog for myself then I'm writing this blog for myself, and that I am OK with. I now have a place to express myself, to connect with people and keep my friends and family updated on my life. No matter what, this is definitely a new adventure that I am excited for.

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