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Hey everyone! I'm studying abroad in Italy this fall and will be recording all the awesomeness here in my blog! I'm studying at the Trinity College in Rome program located right in the heart of Rome-a few blocks from the Colosseum! I hope to travel all over Italy as well as venture into other parts of Europe. Stay tuned!

Sunday, February 5, 2012

I'm life and I'm gonna bite you in the ass!

I watched Bridesmaids for the first time last night. I expected the movie to be quite amazing considering all the awards it won. The movie won AFI Movie of the Year, Melissa McCarthy was nominated for an Oscar, the film was nominated for a BAFTA Award, both the movie and Kristen King were nominated for Golden Globes, the movie was nominated for a PGA Award, there were tons of Screen Actor Gild Award nominations, and a Teens Choice Award nomination. Given all of this I expected a pretty amazing movie. At first I was sorely disappointed,  but it grew on me. 

Now, I am by no means a film critic but I thought the first half of the movie to be pretty slow and not really that funny. I'm definitely not one to enjoy stupid comedy so that may be a lot of it, but I feel like the movie had a really slow start. However, Bridesmaids style of humor did grow on me, and by the tennis scene I was interested. Now a warning here, if you haven't seen the movie and plan too, stop reading here. There are SPOILERS to come.  

There were some pretty hilarious and well written scenes in the Bridesmaids, especially towards the end. I really loved the scene were Annie was trying to get Rhodes attention in her car. That was friggin' hilarious!!! I literally could not stop laughing throughout the entire scene. I also loved at the end when Annie's car was broken down on the side of the road and Rhodes was there. Then Ted shows up and it goes like this:

[Ted drives up and stops in front of Annie and Nathan as they're arguing]Bridesmaids Quotes
Ted: Boom! What's up, fuck buddy? Called for some road side assistance?
[Annie doesn't answer]
Ted: Thanks, officer. I can handle it from here on out.
[Nathan looks at Ted then turns to Annie]
Officer Nathan Rhodes: Come on!
[he turns and walks back towards his car]
Annie: I just...I didn't have anyone else to call! I didn't know you were gonna show up!
Officer Nathan Rhodes: That's the problem with cops, Annie! We're just never there when you need us!

The way that Rhodes says "Come on!" is so perfect!

But, the part that really makes me like this movie came at the end when Megan was trying to cheer Annie up. 

 Megan: You lost Lillian. You got another best friend sittin' right in front of 

you, if you'd notice! Huh? You can stop feeling sorry for yourself, okay? Cause I do not associate with people that blame the world for their problems. Cause you're your problem, Annie. And you're also your solution. Right? I mean that's...you get that?

When I heard that line "Cause I do not associate with people that blame the world for their problems." I was like that is absolutely how I think! That's me! I hate it, absolutely hate it, when people blame the world for their problems, "Oh, I had a bad childhood", "Oh, my boss hates me", "Oh, I'm so unlucky and nothing ever goes my way". I hate it when people feel sorry for themselves. The only person in this world who can control your happiness is yourself. If your unhappy then it's your own responsibility to change something, not whine about how it's somebody else's fault. OK, you had a hard time, you were unlucky, something bad happened, get over it! Pick yourself up, brush yourself off, and turn your focus and concentration on changing things. You definitely are your own problem, but most importantly you are your own solution.

Overall I really liked Bridesmaids and recommend it to other people. It definitely grew on me and had some really funny and inspirational lines.

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